Is There Any Peer Reviewed Research on Nuclear Power

  • Journal List
  • Ambio
  • v.45(Suppl one); 2016 Jan
  • PMC4678124

Ambio. 2016 Jan; 45(Suppl i): 38–49.

Nuclear power in the 21st century: Challenges and possibilities

Akos Horvath

MTA Centre for Energy Research, KFKI Campus, P.O.B. 49, Budapest 114, 1525 Hungary

Elisabeth Rachlew

Section of Physics, Majestic Institute of Technology, KTH, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden


The current situation and possible hereafter developments for nuclear ability—including fission and fusion processes—is presented. The fission nuclear ability continues to exist an essential part of the low-carbon electricity generation in the world for decades to come. There are breakthrough possibilities in the development of new generation nuclear reactors where the life-time of the nuclear waste can be reduced to some hundreds of years instead of the present time-scales of hundred thousand of years. Research on the fourth generation reactors is needed for the realisation of this development. For the fast nuclear reactors, a substantial research and evolution attempt is required in many fields—from material sciences to rubber demonstration—to achieve the envisaged goals. Fusion provides a long-term vision for an efficient energy product. The fusion option for a nuclear reactor for efficient production of electricity has been gear up out in a focussed European programme including the international projection of ITER after which a fusion electricity DEMO reactor is envisaged.

Keywords: Fission, Fusion, Fusion plasma physics, Nuclear power, Nuclear waste, Reactor physics


All countries take a mutual involvement in securing sustainable, depression-toll energy supplies with minimal impact on the environs; therefore, many consider nuclear energy as part of their energy mix in fulfilling policy objectives. The discussion of the part of nuclear energy is peculiarly topical for industrialised countries wishing to reduce carbon emissions beneath the current levels. The latest study from IPCC WGIII (2014) (encounter Box 1 for explanations of all acronyms in the article) says: "Nuclear free energy is a mature low-GHG emission source of base of operations load power, but its share of global electricity has been declining since 1993. Nuclear energy could brand an increasing contribution to low-carbon energy supply, but a variety of barriers and risks exist".

Demand for electricity is likely to increase significantly in the futurity, every bit current fossil fuel uses are being substituted by processes using electricity. For example, the transport sector is likely to rely increasingly on electricity, whether in the course of fully electric or hybrid vehicles, either using battery power or synthetic hydrocarbon fuels. Here, nuclear power tin can too contribute, via generation of either electricity or process heat for the production of hydrogen or other fuels.

In Europe, in particular, the public opinion about prophylactic and regulations with nuclear power has introduced much critical discussions well-nigh the continuation of nuclear power, and Germany has introduced the "Energiewende" with the goal to shut all their nuclear power by 2022. The contribution of nuclear ability to the electricity product in the different countries in Europe differs widely with some countries having cypher contribution (e.g. Italy, Lithuania) and some with the major part comprising nuclear ability (due east.g. France, Hungary, Belgium, Slovakia, Sweden).

Electric current status

The use of nuclear free energy for commercial electricity production began in the mid-1950s. In 2013, the world's 392 GW of installed nuclear capacity deemed for xi % of electricity generation produced by around 440 nuclear power plants situated in xxx countries (Fig.1). This share has declined gradually since 1996, when it reached virtually 18 %, every bit the rate of new nuclear additions (and generation) has been outpaced by the expansion of other technologies. After hydropower, nuclear is the globe'south second-largest source of low-carbon electricity generation (IEA 2014ane).

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The Country Nuclear Power Profiles (CNPPii) compiles background information on the status and development of nuclear power programmes in member states. The CNPP's master objectives are to consolidate information about the nuclear power infrastructures in participating countries, and to present factors related to the effective planning, determination-making and implementation of nuclear power programmes that together lead to safe and economic operations of nuclear ability plants.

Inside the Eu, 27 % of electricity production (13 % of primary free energy) is obtained from 132 nuclear power plants in January 2015 (Fig.1). Beyond the globe, 65 new reactors are under construction, mainly in Asia (Prc, South Korea, Bharat), and too in Russia, Slovakia, France and Finland. Many other new reactors are in the planning phase, including for example, 12 in the UK.

Apart from ane first Generation "Magnox" reactor notwithstanding operating in the UK, the remainder of the operating fleet is of the second or third Generation type (Fig.2). The predominant technology is the Light H2o Reactor (LWR) developed originally in the United States by Westinghouse then exploited massively by France and others in the 1970s equally a response to the 1973 oil crisis. The UK followed a different path and pursued the Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor (AGR). Some countries (France, UK, Russia, Japan) built demonstration scale fast neutron reactors in the 1960s and 70s, merely the only commercial reactor of this type currently operating is in Russia.

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Nuclear reactor generations from the pioneering age to the next decade (reproduced with permission from Ricotti 2013)

Hereafter evolution


The 4th Generation reactors, offer the potential of much higher energy recovery and reduced volumes of radioactive waste, are under study in the framework of the "Generation 4 International Forum" (GIF)3 and the "International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles" (INPRO). The European Committee in 2010 launched the European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative (ESNII), which will support iii Generation Iv fast reactor projects as part of the EU'south programme to promote low-carbon energy technologies. Other initiatives supporting biomass, wind, solar, electricity grids and carbon sequestration are in parallel. ESNII volition have forward: the Astrid sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) proposed past France, the Allegro gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR) supported by central and eastern Europe and the MYRRHA lead- cooled fast reactor (LFR) applied science pilot proposed by Belgium.

The generation of nuclear free energy from uranium produces not only electricity simply as well spent fuel and high-level radioactive waste (HLW) equally a past-product. For this HLW, a technical and socially acceptable solution is necessary. The time calibration needed for the radiotoxicity of the spent fuel to drop to the level of natural uranium is very long (i.due east. of the order of 200 000–300 000 years). The preferred solution for disposing of spent fuel or the HLW resulting from classical reprocessing is deep geological storage. Whilst there are no such geological repositories operating yet in the world, Sweden, Finland and French republic are on track to have such facilities ready by 2025 (Kautsky et al. 2013). In this context information technology should also be mentioned that it is only for a minor fraction of the HLW that recycling and transmutation is required since adequate separation techniques of the fuel can be recycled and again fed through the LWR system.

The "Strategic Free energy Applied science Plan" (Ready-Plan) identifies fission energy as i of the contributors to the 2050 objectives of a low-carbon energy mix, relying on the Generation-iii reactors, closed fuel cycle and the start of implementation of Generation IV reactors making nuclear energy more sustainable. The European union Free energy Roadmap 2050 provides decarbonisation scenarios with different assumptions from the nuclear perspective: two scenarios contemplate a nuclear phase-out by 2050, whilst iii others consider that xv–20 % of electricity will be produced past nuclear free energy. If by 2050 a generation capacity of twenty % nuclear electricity (140 GWe) is to be secured, 100–120 nuclear power units will accept to exist built betwixt now and 2050, the precise number depending on the power rating (Garbil and Goethem 2013).

Despite the regional differences in the development plans, the primary questions are of common interest to all countries, and require solutions in society to maintain nuclear ability in the ability mix of contributing to sustainable economical growth. The questions include (i) maintaining safe performance of the nuclear plants, (two) securing the fuel supplies, (3) a strategy for the management of nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel.

Prophylactic and not-proliferation risks are managed in accordance with the international rules issued both by IAEA and EURATOM in the EU. The nuclear countries have signed the respective agreements and the majority of them have created the necessary legal and regulatory structure (Nuclear Safety Authority). As regards radioactive wastes, peculiarly high-level wastes (HLW) and spent fuel (SF) nigh of the countries have long-term policies. The establishment of new nuclear units and the associated nuclear applied science developments offering new perspectives, which may need reconsideration of fuel bicycle policies and more active regional and global co-performance.

Open and closed fuel bike

In the frame of the open fuel bicycle, the spent fuel will be taken to terminal disposal without recycling. Deep geological repositories are the only available selection for isolating the highly radioactive materials for a very long fourth dimension from the biosphere. Long-term (80–100 years) virtually soil intermediate storages are realised in east.g. French republic and kingdom of the netherlands which will allow for permanent admission and inspection. The main advantage of the open fuel cycle is its simplicity. The spent fuel assemblies are first stored in interim storage for several years or decades, then they volition exist placed in special containers and moved into deep underground storage facilities. The technology for producing such containers and for excavation of the underground system of tunnels exists today (Hózer et al. 2010; Kautsky et al. 2013).

The European Academies Science Informational Board recently released the written report on "Direction of spent nuclear fuel and its waste material" (EASAC 2014). The study discusses the challenges associated with different strategies to manage spent nuclear fuel, in respect of both open cycles and steps towards closing the nuclear fuel cycle. It integrates the conclusions on the problems raised on sustainability, condom, non-proliferation and security, economics, public involvement and on the determination-making process. Recently Vandenbosch et al. (2015) critically discussed the issue of conviction in the indefinite storage of radioactive waste. 1 complication of the nuclear waste storage problem is that the minor actinides stand for a high activity (run across Fig.iii) and pose non-proliferation issues to exist handled safely in a civil used plant. This might exist a difficult claiming if the storage is to be operated economically together with the fuel fabrication.

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Radiotoxicity of radioactive waste

The open (or 'once through') cycle only uses part of the free energy stored in the fuel, whilst effectively wasting substantial amounts of energy that could exist recovered through recycling. The conventional closed fuel cycle strategy uses the reprocessing of the spent fuel following interim storage. The main components which tin can exist further utilised (U and Pu) are recycled to fuel manufacturing (MOX (Mixed Oxide) fuel fabrication), whilst the smaller book of residuum waste in appropriately conditioned form— thousand. vitrified and encapsulated—is disposed of in deep geological repositories.

The advanced closed fuel cycle strategy is similar to the conventional i, just inside this strategy the minor actinides are too removed during reprocessing. The separated isotopes are transmuted in combination with ability generation and just the net reprocessing wastes and those conditioned wastes generated during transmutation will be, post-obit advisable encapsulation, tending of in deep geological repositories. The main cistron that determines the overall storage capacity of a long-term repository is the heat content of nuclear waste, not its book. During the anticipated repository time, the specific estrus generated during the decay of the stored HLW must always stay beneath a dedicated value prescribed by the storage concept and the geological host information. The waste that results from reprocessing spent fuel from thermal reactors has a lower estrus content (after a period of cooling) than does the spent fuel itself. Thus, it can be stored more than densely.

A mod light water reactor of 1 GWe capacity volition typically discharge about 20–25 tonnes of irradiated fuel per year of operation. Virtually 93–94 % of the mass of typical uranium oxide irradiated fuel comprises uranium (more often than not 238U), with about 4–five % fission products and ~1 % plutonium. About 0.1–0.2 % of the mass comprises minor actinides (neptunium, americium and curium). These latter elements accumulate in nuclear fuel because of neutron capture, and they contribute significantly to decay heat loading and neutron output, as well every bit to the overall radiotoxic take chances of spent fuel. Although the total minor actinide mass is relatively small—20 to 25 kg per year from a 1 GWe LWR—information technology has a disproportionate impact on spent fuel disposal considering of its long radioactive decay times (OECD Nuclear Energy Agency 2013).

Generation Four development

To accost the issue of sustainability of nuclear energy, in particular the use of natural resource, fast neutron reactors (FNRs) must be developed, since they tin can typically multiply by over a factor 50 the energy production from a given amount of uranium fuel compared to current reactors. FNRs, but as today's fleet, will be primarily dedicated to the generation of fossil-complimentary base of operations-load electricity. In the FNR the fuel conversion ratio (FCR) is optimised. Through hardening the spectrum a fast reactor can be designed to burn down minor actinides giving a FCR larger than unity which allows breeding of fissile materials. FNRs take been operated in the by (especially the Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor in Europe), but today's rubber, operational and competitiveness standards crave the blueprint of a new generation of fast reactors. Important research and evolution is currently being coordinated at the international level through initiatives such equally GIF.

In 2002, six reactor technologies were selected which GIF believe correspond the future of nuclear energy. These were selected from the many various approaches existence studied on the basis of existence clean, safe and cost-constructive ways of meeting increased energy demands on a sustainable footing. Furthermore, they are considered existence resistant to diversion of materials for weapons proliferation and secure from terrorist attacks. The continued research and development will focus on the chosen six reactor approaches. Most of the six systems use a closed fuel cycle to maximise the resource base and minimise high-level wastes to be sent to a repository. Three of the half-dozen are fast neutron reactors (FNR) and ane can be built every bit a fast reactor, one is described every bit epithermal, and only two operate with slow neutrons similar today'south plants. Only ane is cooled by calorie-free h2o, two are helium-cooled and the others have lead–bismuth, sodium or fluoride salt coolant. The latter iii operate at low pressure, with significant safety advantage. The final has the uranium fuel dissolved in the circulating coolant. Temperatures range from 510 to thousand °C, compared with less than 330 °C for today's calorie-free water reactors, and this means that four of them tin can be used for thermochemical hydrogen product.

The sizes range from 150 to 1500 MWe, with the atomic number 82-cooled i optionally bachelor as a l–150 MWe "battery" with long cadre life (15–20 years without refuelling) as replaceable cassette or entire reactor module. This is designed for distributed generation or desalination. At least iv of the systems have meaning operating experience already in most respects of their design, which provides a adept basis for farther research and development and is probable to hateful that they can be in commercial operation well earlier 2030. Notwithstanding, when addressing non-proliferation concerns it is pregnant that fast neutron reactors are non conventional fast breeders, i.east. they do non accept a blanket associates where plutonium-239 is produced. Instead, plutonium production happens to have place in the core, where burn-up is high and the proportion of plutonium isotopes other than Pu-239 remains loftier. In addition, new reprocessing technologies will enable the fuel to be recycled without separating the plutonium.

In January 2014, a new GIF Technology Roadmap Update was published.iv It confirmed the choice of the six systems and focused on the about relevant developments of them so as to define the enquiry and evolution goals for the adjacent decade. Information technology suggested that the Generation IV technologies most probable to be deployed first are the SFR, the lead-cooled fast reactor (LFR) and the very high temperature reactor technologies. The molten salt reactor and the GFR were shown as furthest from demonstration phase.

Europe, through sustainable nuclear energy technology platform (SNETP) and ESNII, has defined its own strategy and priorities for FNRs with the goal to demonstrate Generation IV reactor technologies that can close the nuclear fuel wheel, provide long-term waste matter direction solutions and aggrandize the applications of nuclear fission across electricity production to hydrogen production, industrial heat and desalination; The SFR equally a proven concept, likewise as the LFR as a short-medium term culling and the GFR as a longer-term alternative technology. The French Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA) has called the development of the SFR engineering. Astrid (Avant-garde Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration) is based on about 45 reactor-years of operational feel in France and will be rated 250 to 600 MWe. It is expected to be built at Marcoule from 2017, with the unit being continued to the grid in 2022.

Other countries similar Kingdom of belgium, Italia, Sweden and Romania are focussing their enquiry and evolution try on the LFR whereas Hungary, Czechia and Slovakia are investing in the inquiry and development on GFR building upon the work initiated in France on GFR as an alternative applied science to SFR. Allegro GFR is to be built in eastern Europe, and is more innovative. It is rated at 100 MWt and would atomic number 82 to a larger industrial demonstration unit of measurement called GoFastR. The Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia are making a joint proposal to host the project, with French CEA support. Allegro is expected to brainstorm construction in 2018 operate from 2025. The industrial demonstrator would follow information technology.

In mid-2013, iv nuclear research institutes and applied science companies from central Europe's Visegrád Group of Nations (V4) agreed to establish a center for joint research, development and innovation in Generation IV nuclear reactors (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) which is focused on gas-cooled fast reactors such as Allegro.

The MYRRHA (Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications)v projection proposed in Belgium by SCK•CEN could be an Experimental Technological Pilot Plant (ETPP) for the LFR technology. Later on, it could become a European fast neutron technology airplane pilot found for lead and a multi-purpose research reactor. The unit is rated at 100 thermal MW and has started construction at SCK-CEN's Mol site in 2014 planned to brainstorm performance in 2023. A reduced-power model of Myrrha chosen Guinevere started up at Mol in March 2010. ESNII likewise includes an LFR engineering science demonstrator known as Alfred, also about 100 MWt, seen as a prelude to an industrial sit-in unit of near 600 MWe. Construction on Alfred could begin in 2017 and the unit could start operating in 2025.

Enquiry and development topics to encounter the top-level criteria established within the GIF forum in the context of simultaneously matching economics likewise as stricter rubber criteria set up-up by the WENRA FNR demand substantial improvements with respect to the following issues:

  • Primary system pattern simplification,

  • Improved materials,

  • Innovative estrus exchangers and power conversion systems,

  • Advanced instrumentation, in-service inspection systems,

  • Enhanced safety,

and those for fuel cycle issues pertain to:

  • Partitioning and transmutation,

  • Innovative fuels (including minor actinide-begetting) and core operation,

  • Advanced separation both via aqueous processes supplementing the PUREX procedure as well as pyroprocessing, which is mandatory for the reprocessing of the high MA-containing fuels,

  • Develop a final depository.

Beyond the research and development, the demonstration projects mentioned above are planned in the frame of the Ready-Plan ESNII for sustainable fission. In addition, supporting research infrastructures, irradiation facilities, experimental loops and fuel fabrication facilities, will need to exist constructed.

Regarding transmutation, the accelerator-driven transmutation systems (ADS) technology must exist compared to FNR technology from the indicate of view of feasibility, transmutation efficiency and price efficiency. It is the objective of the MYRRHA project to be an experimental demonstrator of ADS applied science. From the economical signal of view, the ADS industrial solution should be assessed in terms of its contribution to closing the fuel cycle. I point of utmost importance for the ADS is its ability for burning larger amounts of minor actinides (the typical maximum in a disquisitional FNR is about 2 %).

The concept of partitioning and transmutation (P&T) has three main goals: reduce the radiological hazard associated with spent fuel by reducing the inventory of small actinides, reduce the fourth dimension interval required to attain the radiotoxicity of natural uranium and reduce the rut load of the HLW packages to be stored in the geological disposal hence reducing the foot print of the geological disposal.

Avant-garde management of HLW through P&T consists in advanced separation of the pocket-size actinides (americium, curium and neptunium) and some fission products with a long half-life present in the nuclear waste and their transmutation in dedicated burners to reduce the radiological and estrus loads on the geological disposal. The fourth dimension scale needed for the radiotoxicity of the waste to drop to the level of natural uranium will be reduced from a 'geological' value (300 000 years) to a value that is comparable to that of homo activities (few hundreds of years) (OECD/NEA 2006; OECD 2012; PATEROS 2008six). Transmutation of the modest actinides is achieved through fission reactions and therefore fast neutrons are preferred in dedicated burners.

At the European level, four building blocks strategy for Sectionalization and Transmutation accept been identified. Each cake poses a serious challenge in terms of enquiry & evolution to be done in club to accomplish industrial scale deployment. These blocks are:

  • Sit-in of advanced reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel from LWRs, separating Uranium, Plutonium and Minor Actinides;

  • Sit-in of the adequacy to fabricate at semi-industrial level dedicated transmuter fuel heavily loaded in minor actinides;

  • Design and construct 1 or more dedicated transmuters;

  • Fabrication of new transmuter fuel together with sit-in of advanced reprocessing of transmuter fuel.

MYRRHA will support this Roadmap by playing the role of an ADS image (at reasonable power level) and as a flexible irradiation facility providing fast neutrons for the qualification of materials and fuel for an industrial transmuter. MYRRHA will be not only capable of irradiating samples of such inert matrix fuels merely also of housing fuel pins or even a express number of fuel assemblies heavily loaded with MAs for irradiation and qualification purposes.

Options for nuclear fusion beyond 2050

Nuclear fusion research, on the footing of magnetic confinement, considered in this study, has been actively pursued in Europe from the mid-60s. Fusion enquiry has the goal to achieve a clean and sustainable energy source for many generations to come. In parallel with bones loftier-temperature plasma enquiry, the fusion technology plan is pursued likewise as the economic system of a future fusion reactor (Ward et al. 2005; Ward 2009; Bradshaw et al. 2011). The goal-oriented fusion inquiry should be driven with an increased effort to be able to give the long searched answer to the open question, "will fusion free energy exist able to cover a major part of mankind'due south electricity demand?". ITER, the first fusion reactor to be built in France by the vii collaborating partners (Europe, Us, Russia, Japan, Korea, Prc, Republic of india) is hoped to answer most of the open physics and many of the remaining technology/material questions. ITER is expected to offset operation of the kickoff plasma around 2020 and D-T operation 2027.

The European fusion research has been successful through the organisation of EURATOM to which most countries in Europe belong (the fission program is also included in EURATOM). EUROfusion, the European Consortium for the Development of Fusion Energy, manages European fusion enquiry activities on behalf of EURATOM. The system of the research has resulted in a well-focused common fusion research program. The members of the EUROfusion7 consortium are 29 national fusion laboratories. EUROfusion funds all fusion inquiry activities in accord with the "EFDA Fusion electricity. Roadmap to the realisation of fusion energy" (EFDA 2012, Fusion electricity). The Roadmap outlines the most efficient way to realise fusion electricity. It is the outcome of an assay of the European Fusion Program undertaken by all Enquiry Units within EUROfusion's predecessor understanding, the European Fusion Development Agreement, EFDA.

The about successful solitude concepts are toroidal ones similar tokamaks and helical systems similar stellarators (Wagner 2012, 2013). To avoid drift losses, two magnetic field components are necessary for confinement and stability—the toroidal and the poloidal field component. Due to their superposition, the magnetic field winds helically around a system of nested toroids. In both cases, tokamak and stellarator, the toroidal field is produced past external coils; the poloidal field arises from a potent toroidal plasma current in tokamaks. In instance of helical systems all necessary fields are produced externally past coils which have to be superconductive when steady-state functioning is intended. Europe is constructing the nigh ambitious stellarator, Wendelstein vii-X in Deutschland. Information technology is a fully optimised system with promising features. W7-X goes into operation in 2015.eight

Fusion research has now reached plasma parameters needed for a fusion reactor, even if non all parameters are reached simultaneously in a unmarried plasma discharge (encounter Fig.4). Plotted is the triple product n•τE•Ti equanimous of the density due north, the solitude time τE and the ion temperature Ti. For ignition of a deuterium–tritium plasma, when the internal α-particle heating from the DT-reaction takes over and allows the external heating to be switched off, the triple product has to be near >half dozen × ten21 chiliad−three south keV). The record parameters given every bit of today are shown together with the fusion experiment of its accomplishment in Fig.iv. The achieved parameters and the missing factors to the ultimate goal of a fusion reactor are summarised beneath:

  • Temperature: xl keV accomplished (JT-60U, Nihon); the goal is surpassed past a factor of ii

  • Density n surpassed by cistron 5 (C-mod,United states of america; LHD,Japan)

  • Energy confinement time: a factor of 4 is missing (JET, Europe)

  • Fusion triple product (run across Fig.4: a gene of half-dozen is missing (JET, Europe)

  • The first scientific goal is achieved: Q (fusion power/external heating power) ~one (0,65) (JET, Europe)

  • D-T operation without bug (TFTR (USA), JET, small tritium quantities have been used, notwithstanding)

  • Maximal fusion power for short pulse: xvi MW (JET)

  • Divertor development (ASDEX, ASDEX-Upgrade, Federal republic of germany)

  • Pattern for the first experimental reactor complete (ITER, run into below)

  • The optimisation of stellarators (W7-AS, W7-Ten, Germany)

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Progress in fusion parameters. Derived in 1955, the Lawson criterion specifies the conditions that must be met for fusion to produce a net energy output (1 keV × 12 1000000 K). From this, a fusion "triple production" can exist derived, which is divers equally the product of the plasma ion density, ion temperature and energy solitude time. This product must exist greater than nearly 6 × x21 keV 1000−iii s for a deuterium–tritium plasma to ignite. Due to the radioactivity associated with tritium, today's research tokamaks generally operate with deuterium only (solid dots). The large tokamaks JET(EU) and TFTR(United states of america), however, have used a deuterium–tritium mix (open dots). The charge per unit of increase in tokamak performance has outstripped that of Moore's law for the miniaturisation of silicon chips (Pitts et al. 2006). Many international projects (their names are given by acronyms in the figure) have contributed to the evolution of fusion plasma parameters and the progress in fusion enquiry which serves equally the footing for the ITER design

After fifty years of fusion enquiry in that location is no evidence for a fundamental obstacle in the basic physics. Just still many problems take to exist overcome equally detailed beneath:

Critical issues in fusion plasma physics based on magnetic confinement

  • confine a plasma magnetically with m m3 volume,

  • maintain the plasma stable at 2–4 bar force per unit area,

  • accomplish 15 MA current running in a fluid (in case of tokamaks, avoid instabilities leading to disruptions),

  • find methods to maintain the plasma electric current in steady-country,

  • tame plasma turbulence to get the necessary confinement fourth dimension,

  • develop an exhaust arrangement (divertor) to control power and particle frazzle, specifically to remove the α-particle heat deposited into the plasma and to control He equally the fusion ash.

Critical issues in fusion plasma technology

  • build a system with 200 MKelvin in the plasma core and four Kelvin nearly 2 m away,

  • build magnetic system at 6 Tesla (max field 12 Tesla) with fifty GJ free energy,

  • develop heating systems to oestrus the plasma to the fusion temperature and current drive systems to maintain steady-land weather for the tokamak,

  • handle neutron-fluxes of 2 MW/one thousand2 leading to 100 dpa in the surrounding material,

  • develop low activation materials,

  • develop tritium breeding technologies,

  • provide loftier availability of a complex system using an appropriate remote handling system,

  • develop the consummate physics and engineering basis for system licensing.

The goals of ITER

The major goals of ITER (see Fig.5) in physics are to confine a D-T plasma with α-particle cocky-heating dominating all other forms of plasma heating, to produce about ~500 MW of fusion power at a gain Q = fusion ability/external heating power, of about ten, to explore plasma stability in the presence of energetic α-particles, and to demonstrate ash-exhaust and burn control.

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Schematic layout of the ITER reactor experiment (from

In the field of technology, ITER volition demonstrate key aspects of fusion as the cocky-heating of the plasma by alpha-particles, show the essentials to a fusion reactor in an integrated system, give the offset test a convenance blanket and assess the technology and its efficiency, brood tritium from lithium utilising the D-T fusion neutron, develop scenarios and materials with low T-inventories. Thus ITER will provide strong indications for vital research and evolution efforts necessary in the view of a demonstration reactor (DEMO). ITER volition be based on conventional steel as structural textile. Its inner wall will be covered with beryllium to surround the plasma with low-Z metal with low inventory properties. The divertor volition be generally from tungsten to sustain the loftier α-particle oestrus fluxes directed onto target plates situated inside a divertor chamber. An of import stride in fusion reactor development is the achievement of licensing of the complete system.

The rewards from fusion research and the realisation of a fusion reactor tin can exist described in the following points:

  • fusion has a tremendous potential thanks to the availability of deuterium and lithium as primary fuels. But as a recommendation, the fusion development has to exist accelerated,

  • there is a clear roadmap to commercialise fusion as shown past Fig.6 (EFDA 2012). The major lines are from the presently largest tokamak JET via ITER (a tokamak) to the demonstration reactor DEMO. This line is accompanied by the multi-automobile science programme including concept improvement via the family of helical systems.

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    Fusion time strategy towards the fusion reactor on the internet (EFDA 2012, Fusion electricity. A roadmap to the realisation of fusion energy)

In improver, at that place is the fusion engineering science programme and its material co-operative, which ultimately need a neutron source to report the interaction with xiv MeV neutrons. For this purpose, a spallation source IFMIF is presently nether blueprint. As a recommendation, means accept to exist found to accelerate the fusion development. In general, with ITER, IFMIF and the DEMO, the programme will motility away from plasma scientific discipline more towards applied science orientation. Subsequently the ITER physics and applied science programme—if successful—fusion tin can be placed into national energy supply strategies. With fusion, hereafter generations tin can take access to a clean, safe and (at least expected of today) economical power source.


The fission nuclear power continues to be an essential part of the depression-carbon electricity generation in the earth for decades to come. There are breakthrough possibilities in the development of new generation nuclear reactors where the life-time of the radioactive waste can exist reduced to some hundreds of years instead of the present time-scales of hundred m of years. Research on the fourth generation reactors is needed for the realisation of this evolution. For the fast nuclear reactors a substantial research and evolution endeavour is required in many fields—from material sciences to prophylactic demonstration—to attain the envisaged goals. Fusion provides a long-term vision for an efficient energy product. The fusion option for a nuclear reactor for efficient production of electricity should exist vigorously pursued on the international arena every bit well as within the European energy roadmap to reach a decision betoken which allows to critically assess this energy option.

Box ane Explanations of abbreviations used in this article

ADS Accelerator-driven transmutation systems
AGR Advanced gas-cooled reactor
ASTRID Advanced sodium technological reactor for industrial demonstration
CEA Commissariat l´Energie Atomique
DEMO Demonstration power constitute
ESNII2000 European sustainable nuclear industrial initiative for sustainable fission
ETTP Experimental technological pilot plant
EURATOM The European Diminutive Free energy Community
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
FNR Fast neutron reactor
GFR Gas-cooled fast reactor
GIF Generation IV international forum
GWe Giga watt free energy
HLW High-level radioactive waste
IFMIF International fusion materials irradiation facility
INPRO International project on innovative nuclear reactors and fuel cycles
ITER International thermonuclear experimental reactor or from latin "the way"
LFR Atomic number 82-cooled fast reactor
LWR Light water reactor
MOX Mixed oxide fuel
MYRRHA Multi-purpose hybrid inquiry reactor for high-tech applications
P&T Partitioning and transmutation
PATEROS Partition and transmutation European roadmap for sustainable nuclear free energy
PUREX procedure Plutonium and Uranium extraction procedure
Q-value Fusion free energy gain factor (P fus/P heat)
SET-plan Strategic energy technology plan
SFR Sodium-cooled fast reactor
SNETP Sustainable nuclear free energy technology platform


Akos Horvath

is Professor in Energy Research and Manager of MTA Centre for Energy Research, Budapest, Hungary. His enquiry interests are in the evolution of new fission reactors, new structural materials, high temperature irradiation resistance, mechanical deformation.

Elisabeth Rachlew

is Professor of Applied Atomic and Molecular Physics at Majestic Institute of Engineering science, (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. Her research interests are in basic atomic and molecular processes studied with synchrotron radiation, development of diagnostic techniques for analysing the performance of fusion experiments in particular development of photon spectroscopic diagnostics.


Contributor Data

Akos Horvath, uh.atm.aigrene@htavroh.soka.

Elisabeth Rachlew, es.htk@kre.


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