Can You Go to Jail for Not Paying a Personal Loan

What happens if personal loan is not paid? Is there apunishment for not payment of personal loan? Will the defaulter go to jail straight abroad?

There will be hooliganism displayed at the defaulters front door by the Banks? What are the bank loan recovery rules?

A person who is under stress due to non-repayment of loan, confront further nightmares answering these question. Defaulting on loan payments triggers fear. No doubt.

Simply it must as well be remembered that in that location arerights of a loan defaulter as well. Banks (lenders) cannot start arm-twisting the defaulter.

Points to call back:

  1. Why a loan defaulter needs protection: Considering at that place may be a 'genuine problem', due to which 1 is defaulting on loan. In the court of law, genuine reasons are given due weightage. It is true that banks volition not allow their money to let-go hands. A due course of action will accept identify. But if one is unable to pay personal loan EMI (say), this does not make him/her a criminal. Read more about What to do when loan EMI is very high.
  2. Loan defaulter will non go to jail: Defaulting on loan is a ceremonious dispute. Criminal charges cannot be put on a person for loan default. It ways, police simply cannot brand arrests. Hence, a genuine person, unable to payback the EMI's, must non become hopeless. There are rules which will assist the defaulter to negotiate with his/her lender.

In example you think that your depository financial institution is not behaving properly, you can file your complaint with 'The Banking Ombudsman'. Read more than about it hither.

But it must be remembered that these rules are made for those people who, due to genuine bug, are not able to pay their due EMI. These rules are not for devil-may-care, escapists, wilful defaulters, and not-constabulary abiding people.

What a genuine person must know well-nigh the consequences of loan default?

What happens if personal loan is not paid in India -2

Types of Loan Defaulters

There are three types of people who default on loans

  1. Careless people: These people are called devil-may-care because they took excess loan. They did not analyse their income/expense balance before taking loan. Such people realise their mistakes only after they start paying the EMI. They but cannot afford the EMI expense. Hence the default. Read more than about why to get debt free.
  2. Genuine people: These are people who are facing genuine bug. They are people who paid all by EMI'south on schedule. Merely due to a 18-carat issue, are not able to pay-dorsum the loan any more. Read more nearly should you pay home loan early.
  3. Over-smart people: These are people who try to game the banks. They think that they can mislead the bank by giving fake-reasons for not-payment. These people are also usually referred every bit 'wilful defaulters'. These people ultimately gets booked u/s 420 of IPC and may be jailed.

All loan defaulters must first realise that, "loan payment default is not an acceptable practice". So if 1 is defaulting on loan, he/she shall non accept a very polite handling of the issue.

Simply this is merely ane side of the matter.

People who are stuck due to genuine issues, must also remember that "even the loan defaulters has their rights ". Banks cannot only transport recovery agent at their doors to shake them up and testify disrespect.

Rights of Loan Defaulters

In this commodity nosotros volition run across what are the rights of loan defaulters.

In that location are RBI'southward rules, which all banks must adhere to in handling cases of loan default. This is especially true for handling cases dealing with common men defaulting in pocket-sized loan like credit menu debt, personal loan, home loans etc.

Genuine Loan Defaulter

What Banks can do for genuine loan defaulters? In that location are rules, and bank's would practice everything inside those rules to help the loan defaulter.

But why banks will aid a defaulter? Because it is likewise in their involvement to not allow a loan to convert into an NPA. Then what a defaulters should do is to approach the bank proactively and explain them the problem.

As per banking rules, these are the few means in which banks can aid a loan defaulter. In these cases the banking company will follow the rules specified equally per SARFAESI Human activity.

  1. LOWER THE EMI: Banks tin lower the EMI in two means: (a) by increasing the loan tenure, (b) by converting not-secured loan to a secured loan. In banking terms information technology is chosen as loan rescheduling of restructuring. Lowering of EMI's due to tenure extension may help few defaulters. Only as per bank rules, tenure cannot be increased a lot. As a result, the net effect on EMI reduction is very nominal. Simply in case of non-secured loan (similar personal loan) being converted into a secured loan, reduction in EMI is appreciable. Read more most whether to reduce EMI or tenure in loan prepayment.
  2. Permit EMI Gratuitous PERIOD: In cases where the flow of income has been temporarily disturbed, this type of relief may assistance the borrower. Unforeseen bug like job loss, temporary stoppage in business concern, functioning etc, can exist addressed this way. Here the banks may agree to waif-off the EMI collection for a certain period of fourth dimension (say 3-6 months). Later the lapse of this period, the EMI payment must start. Read moe well-nigh how home loan prepayment can relieve lakhs.
  3. Have A Pilus CUT: At that place tin be a example, where the loan defaulter is in no condition to repay back the loan balance (today or in future). But he is offer to pay a role of the loan. In return for this part-payment, the defaulter is asking the bank to close the loan once and for all. Why a banking company should agree for such an offering? Because it is amend to get something than nothing. Here the onus is on the loan defaulter to convince the banking concern to take the offering. Read more about what information technology means for banks to 'have a hair cut'.
  4. FOLLOW SARFAESI Human activity: Bank's volition resort to this footstep only when a loan has been deemed as an NPA. It means, the above three steps has failed. What is SARFAESI Act? The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Involvement Human activity. Every bit per SARFAESI Act, banks etc tin can adjust for recovery of their NPA's without the need to motion to the Court of Law.

We will read more about the SARFAESI human activity in the latter function of this article (run into "only unable to pay the loan" beneath).

What we have seen now, was what best banks can do for the "genuine" loan defaulters.

But the treatment is not the same for other people.

Loan Recovery Agents

Recovery agents are meant for people who are acting smart. These are loan defaulters who take missed their EMI'south, and are avoiding the depository financial institution.

In these cases, Bank use the recovery agents to bring the loan defaulter to the negotiation tabular array. But in that location are few guidelines of RBI regarding the role of recovery agents.

In the past, in one of the publications of Reserve Depository financial institution of India (RBI) information technology was mentioned that:

"…engagement of recovery agents is causing serious reputation risk for the banking sector as a whole…".

Taking a corrective action, RBI revised the guidelines for engaging recovery agent by banks.

There is a clear cutting guidelines from RBI that, banks/recovery agents cannot utilize 'uncivilised, unlawful and questionable behaviour' in the procedure of loan recovery.

What are the guidelines?

  1. Hiring of professional person recovery agents: Banks must do due diligence on the agency before hiring them as a recovery amanuensis. Due diligence shall not only look at the company every bit a whole, but must also await at people who are involved in the recovery process. The person hired as recovery agents shall pass through police verification. The family unit groundwork of person in consideration shall besides be checked past the agency earlier hiring. So information technology means that, if a rowdy (in name of recovery agent) misbehaves, a police complaint can be lodged in the police station. In this case the bank/recovery agency must give clarification on the behaviour of agent with the defaulter. Unsatisfactory answer may issue in loss of contract of the recovery agency. Unlawful conduct of the recovery agents with the defaulter is a criminal offence.
  2. First ship notices, and so recovery agents: Before banking concern sends a recovery agent, they must issue intimations. In the intimation letter of the alphabet they must first authorise a recovery agency to human action on their behalf. Advice of authorisation shall go to the loan defaulter direct from the banking concern. In example no intimation has been sent, load defaulter can refuse to hear the agents. Recovery agent may self deport the potency letter, but this is applicable if past attempts to deliver the letter has failed. Recovery must show the authorisation letter and identity card. In case the agents misbehave, the details of identity carte can be used to gild a police complaint. Banking company must besides publish the details of recovery agency on their website.
  3. Hear the instance of the loan defaulter: Banks must hear the defaulters side of story without a bias. Banks must also outcome ane more communication to the defaulter. This communication should furnish details of 'how and to whom' the loan defaulter can contact in the bank, explaining his grievances. The loan defaulter tin and so prove a copy of word with depository financial institution, in instance the recovery agents farther disturbs them.
  4. Recovery agents are Bank's responsibility: Frankly speaking, it is banks job to undertake loan recovery process in case of default. Only RBI has allowed banks to offload the recovery process to a tertiary party. Simply there are risks when a banking action is offloaded to a 3rd party. In order to manage the risks, RBI asked banks to provide grooming to new recovery agents. All recovery agent shall first get a certification, and only then they can act every bit recovery agents. The training session must explicate the "code of conduct & protocol" that recovery agents should practise while dealing with the loan defaulters.

Just unable to pay the loan..

What banks can exercise when a person is just not able to payback the loan?

In instance of personal loan, bank has no collateral. Hence personal loans are chosen as not-secured loans. In case of personal loan default, banks has only few options:

  • Negotiations: The best bet for banks is to sit down on a negotiation tabular array with the defaulter and settle the litigation. This is the almost preferred options fifty-fifty for the banks. Why? Because in litigations banks will have to further expend money on the NPA.
  • Utilise of Post Dated Cheques: Only if the negotiations fail, the banking concern may decide to go to court. But equally loan default is a civil dispute, arrest cannot be fabricated. Hence what bank may practice it to nowadays the post dated cheques for clearing. If the cheques go bounced, and then as per rules, arrest tin can be made.

In case of secured loans like (Machine, home loan etc), banks can practise the following:

  1. Outcome Notice: The banking company volition offset declare your loan every bit an NPA. When a loan becomes NPA? When dues are not paid for more than ninety days. After this, banking concern will have to issue you a '60 day notice' under SARFAESI Act. In this notice period, the loan defaulter can payback the dues and close the case.
  2. Effect Public Notice: In case of Car loan, the collateral volition be like car, bicycle etc. In case of domicile loan, collateral will be a residential property. If loan is not cleared within the 60 solar day detect, bank will issue a 30 day public notice informing almost the auction of nugget.
  3. Issue Fair Value Notice: Before the asset is sold, the banking company must also issue a notice informing about the fair value of nugget that is going to be sold (in the public auction etc).
  4. Seize The Collateral: Later notice flow is served, the depository financial institution can immediately seize the collateral (asset), and initiate its auction proceedings.

What the borrower (loan defaulter) can exercise here? Not much. Simply if the defaulter thinks that 'holding seizure' or 'property fair value' has not been handled properly, they can raise the objection in written to the bank. The bank is obliged to answer within seven days. But after the reply, the bank tin go ahead and sell the asset as per the public notice issued.

Final Words…

One must appreciate the fact that, Banks/Government cannot be lenient towards the loan defaulters. If they are lenient in one case, then it volition exist taken every bit precedence. People will commencement taking loan default as an excusable crime.

It is essential for a borrower to understand that availing loan is a very serious step in ones life. One must call back 100 times before getting into debt. All pros and cons must exist studied by the borrow before taking even a penny of loan.

Taking loan is a take a chance. If loan is small, run a risk is less. If loan is big, chance is more than.

The point is, a borrower must deliberate the consequences of loan defaulting before getting into the loan.

Read more about how to get out of debt faster.

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